
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)



5 Years
07-10-2013, 07:30 AM

Th boy was curious. Perhaps too curious for his own good but he couldn't help it. Ever since his father had brought him to meet the Alpha of that other pack he was curious about the whole group. He hadn't understood much of anything while that conversation had been going on. What he did know was that he wanted to see them again. He wanted to get a reaaaaallllyyy good look at what their appearances were. It was the first time he was really allowed out of the den, and these were the first wolves he'd seen other than his immediate family. He had every right to be curious, right?

On wobbly legs he carried his fluffy white and black body towards where his father had gone. How he managed to slip past his mother was beyond him, but in his mind he was quite sneaky about it. Tongue lolled from his mouth and he let out a puppyish growl of excitement as he took off after his patriarch. He grinned as he saw the familiar white form in front of him. He tottered for a moment about falling on his face before he slunk in under his legs. Black tipped ears flicked forward as he looked around with toxic blue and green orbs. First he looked up at his father giving him a soft nip and then a nuzzle. He knew he'd be in trouble later, but it was worth it. Then they traveled to the other pups that were at the gathering. Lastly they traveled across all the other wolves. Tail wagged furiously behind him. They all looked different, some even larger than his father, and his father was huge! Eyes then wandered up to his father again from between his legs.

"Papa, what are we all doing here? Who are they?"

Please take note that Grimmjow is unpredictable and impulsive in his actions and has a tendency to be hostile at times.

[Image: 8tXLX5S.png]