
Homecoming King



2 Years
Extra large
11-25-2018, 09:41 AM

From his higher vantage point, Orion was easily able to see another wolf approach from the east. His ears perked, curiosity immediately piqued because if his eyes were not mistake, this was not your typical wolf. Even from a ways away he could pick out a smattering of colors amongst her coat. Without even a moment to consider his actions, he was up and heading her way. Orion was careful about where he walked as he skirted the edge of the geothermal waste, ever conscious of the places that seemed most likely to pose danger.

Because of this is took him a bit longer to reach her than a path directly across might have, but as he made his way three quarters around yet another jet of steaming water erupted and Orion was convinced that his caution was worthwhile. A few more paces forwards and he was able to call out. He wasn't sure whether or not the other wolf had seen him or not, but it was still respectful to keep some space as far as he was concerned. He slowed to a stop. "Hey there!" He sat. Up close she was a tiny little thing (at least compared to him) and he didn't want to appear threatening, so he kept his smile easy and friendly. He could see a smattering of star-like markings sprinkled across her coat, and he wondered briefly if they might be related. As far as he knew, only the Aeris line boasted coats like these. "Sorry to bug you, but I saw you walking in from back there. Are you an Aeris wolf?"

His heart rate started to pick up. Who was this girl? If he had to guess she was young, like him, so not a sibling probably. A brief pain shot through his chest at the thought of Artemis leaving them behind to go have another litter elsewhere, but he pushed the thoughts of his mother away. Maybe she was a cousin or something. Better yet, maybe she would have word of Jupiter or Aerndis. He couldn't help but hope.

"Talk" "Listen" Think