
live & love & don't let go


07-10-2013, 07:38 AM

In all of his life he had had the best of everything. The best father, the best family situation, the best pack (all in his own opinion). He had been given nearly everything he wanted and then some ? even handed things he hadn?t known he?d wanted. He?d been given freedom when he needed it, and closeness when he wanted it. He?d been given structure and guidelines, and loving wisdom when he asked. His life ? minus the first few months of it ? had been a piece of cake. This being said, when he?d been told ? quite honestly for the first time in his life ? that he couldn?t have something he so desperately wanted (in this case Epiphron) it had been a stern awakening that things weren?t always as he desired them to be. He remembered being furious with his father for denying him, furious with his uncle for the way he?d behaved, furious with the world and how it?s favor had suddenly fallen from him.

His muzzle traveled over every inch of her figure he could reach, placing sparse kisses wherever he desired. Her warmth was comforting, her touch ? enrapturing. A smile glided across his lips. His love for her felt boundless, despite the newness of it all. These last few weeks had been nearly impossible to deal with. Her scent had been intoxicating, and when he?d finally figured out why she was so alluring ? he had been careful to keep himself in check. He would not impregnate her without her consent, and being as it was so new of a relationship he hardly expected she would consent so quickly. As they stood still his eyes found hers, moving in tandem ? azure and lime. Her kisses were hardly a distraction from what she?d just said ? though he knew that it was not her intent to distract. The scent had gone from her, which meant realistically she probably could not bear him children right now, but hey ? it wouldn?t hurt to try. A smile graced his features, one of sly nature and mischievous outline. ?Certainly not,? he chided in an almost too excited manner. Tongue slipped from his jaws to place kiss after kiss on her lips.

He hardly thought there was any better time to try, as he was sure no one would be lurking around Seracia at this time of night. The hour of the morning sun was nearer now than it had been when he?d found her, but they still had hours before the Kingdom would arise and start the day. His kisses traveled upward, reaching a precipice at her russet stained ear where he nibbled tantalizingly on the thin flap of flesh. He had wanted her so badly all this time, and now that he could have her he scarcely knew what to do with himself.
