
Mostly Spiders



2 Years
Extra large
11-25-2018, 03:19 PM

The lazy day was beginning to draw Orion into a lull. He wasn't sure how long he lay there, zoning out, gaze lost in the gently waving fronds. In fact, he was so securely drawn into his thoughts that he had no idea he'd been spotted, or was currently being approached. He lay there completely unwitting of the ambush about to unfold. His name, bursting from an unmistakably familiar voice, behind him and approaching rather quickly caught him entirely unawares. Less than a heartbeat later, a weight collided with him from behind. He let out a yelp of surprise, and between springing forward in surprise and the resulting shove, he soon found himself weightless.

Orion skidded down the short slope, briefly swallowed by the sea of ferns. He skidded to a stop shortly after, and once he reoriented himself with whichever direction was up, he popped back up from amongst the tall ferns. He blinked rapidly. Had he become concussed on the way down? Somehow it seemed more likely than the idea that his sister just happened to barrel into him out of the blue. But her scent drifted towards him then and he would have recognized it anywhere. He knew it was her. "Aerndis?!" He spluttered, jaw working a moment before he could really speak. "Wha- Where did you?-"

Orion surged forward and attempted a tackle of his own, overcome with incredulity and joy. How could she really be here? Maybe he was dreaming, but even so he would prefer it to being awake. What was the harm in enjoy it while it lasted? A thought struck him suddenly and he froze, features perking upright. "Is Jup with you?" Had they both stuck together? Orion certainly hoped so, because to find them both at once would be a miracle. He'd never much cared for religion or spirits or gods, and he'd heard some odd tales over the years, but this certainly seemed like some sort of a miracle.
"Talk" "Listen" Think