
There is Just News

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-25-2018, 05:46 PM
The man was quick to get to business, explaining that he had been a former member of Abaven. Shaye didn’t recognise him, but then she had been gone a long time - and when she had been in Abaven, she had been young and her time and thoughts hadn’t really been pack related.

She gave a troubled frown when the man asked for information on Sparrow and the Abraxas. Well, he wasn’t the first wolf who had made his way to her borders looking for information. Even now, thoughts of her Cousin could send a little twist through her insides. So much time, wasted, so much time away from her family. It was like Sparrow represented everything she had lost.

Shaye took a seat, and a breath, regarding the male for a moment before she spoke. “I’m sorry, but Sparrow has passed on. There was an accident well she was gathering herbs, and she gave her life for another member of this pack.” That was who Sparrow had been, and it reflected in her death. “With her death, the Abraxas wolf who resided here decided to disband Abaven and move on, instead, I stepped up and took over leadership here.” she would explain. It wasn’t a happy story, and her eyes where compassionate as she looked at this man, who likely had sought out a happier tale, but instead only found Shaye and what she had to say. “I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t know what your plans are, but your welcome to spend some time in Abaven if you wish.” he had lived here, and Shaye was more than happy to give him a place, and some space, to grief if he so desired.


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