
Homecoming King


11-25-2018, 06:13 PM


The sound and sights and sensations of this new world where shocking, and once her initial shock was gone, she was instead left with a lingering sense of wonder. It took her a few moments longer then that, to release this place might pose a danger to her, and she began to look about herself. She saw other holes where spouts of water might burst free from, but none where close enough to her to cause her any worry. Still, she stayed where she was as she considered this minefield she had inadvertently begun to enter.

Another geyser erupted to the side and she glanced over at it, watching as the water soured to surprising heights. incredible she had a moment of fancy with the idea of a wolf standing above one, thrown to crazy heights, where they could really see the stars. Of course, that realisation died out with the understanding that to do so also meant death.

She almost missed the call out of another, and almost like an afterthought, her head began to turn, and she would see the brightly coloured wolf who stood there. After spending time with iggy and Sephy she was becoming familiar with being surrounded by beauty. Still, she hadn’t lost her appreciation for it.

He had shockingly similar blues and ambers across his body, with a brush of orange beneath his eyes that reminded her startlingly of her own. Oh, oh finally, she had found a member of her family! She jumped to her paws, whirling fully towards him, tail swishing behind her at the sudden surge of joy--
Aeris wolf
No, there had to be some mistake.
“I- I’m an Elementas, do you have any ties to that family?”

Art by Sigath