He had been doing a lot of work already since the pack was now a reality. He was extremely pleased to see who all had showed up to his recruitment call and he also had one solid pack to trade and exchange skills with. He was working on the two packs in the south and was surprised to see the secondary alpha of the pack in the north had appeared at his borders. Things were going much better then he could imagine. He was doing a border patrol and checking in to make sure his members were settling well. If anyone needed help he would be the first to lend a paw and help them out.
He was torn away from his duties when a call from his borders rung out. Being distracted he wouldn't catch the familiar voice of the call, but he was quick to dismiss himself and head towards the borders. He didn't keep her waiting long and when she came into view a vary large grin broke out across his muzzle and his tail began whipping back and fourth. He instantly recognized his sibling and quickened his pace to reach her and if she allowed press his nose into her shoulder in a sign of friendly affection.
"Honey! Long time no see!" his deep voice rumbled, clearly glad to see her.