
Eat, Sleep, be Scary


11-25-2018, 11:32 PM

She eyed him carefully, taking note of every movement of his body. His eyes. The way he spoke. So he didn't believe in Gods and Goddesses hm? Well that was a problem, wasn't it? The Abraxas mission was pretty straightforward. But would she be able to get this man to see her side of things? Maybe. Maybe not. He was too pretty to let go, after all. And knew she would probably need to use a few tricks up her metaphorical sleeve to achieve this. "Oh honey...we've all experienced pain. But what if I told you that it's possible you forget all of that? To no longer feel that pain?" She tipped her head back slightly to look in his eyes. Almost as if she were trying to see look into his soul. She herself felt pain and sadness. Mostly from her brother Amon's disappearance. But she found little ways to help her forget those feelings. And perhaps she could do the same here.

"I can help you, you know." She began. She tilted her head away just a bit, the woman carefully stepping forward until she was slowly walking along his right side. If he didn't move, then her fur would brush his own as she passed him. "Pain and suffering are no good in this world. Such feelings cloud your mind, and you, my dear...are greater than the pain you've felt." As she spoke, the Goddess had done a full circle until she stopped just along his shoulder, her own bodice brushing along his while she did her round. "What do you wish for the most in this realm?" She breathed upon his neck, eyes seeking his once more.
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