
No Postcode Envy

Gargoyle I


07-10-2013, 08:57 AM

Gargoyle had stiffened up, even rising onto his forelegs a little as, no sooner had he resurfaced his head, then the white girl came flying at him. The quiet forest was suddenly rent with splashes and Gargoyle got a face full of creek-water. Blinking one, water logged yellow eye, his sidestep had taken him back for enough to see what was going on. The girl had snapped up a snake in her jaws and flung it away into the forest. Gaze as unreadable as ever, Gargoyle watched her climb calmly out of the water and shake off herself dry. "Well," said Gargoyle as he sat there, his head and shoulder tops just out of the water. He blinked. "That was dramatic." Had she just-? Yes, yes she had. This she-wolf had charged straight into the water and attacked a snake for him. Gargoyle remained staring in the direction the serpent and "flown" for a minute. The surprise seemed to jolt some of the moodiness out of him. At the very least it reminded him of his manner.

He looked back to the now slightly muddy girl. "Um, thank you," came his quiet rumbling voice. "But, uh, I'm immune." Maybe he shouldn't have said anything. Maybe he should've let her go on believing she'd just saved his life, but he tended to be a rather blunt individual. He could add that he wouldn't have swum there if he wasn't but no, that would be a lie. Gargoyle didn't fear anything - except himself - and certainly not the living belts known as snakes. Venomous or not. He stood and and waded out of the pool, this time joining the female on her side. He stopped at the edge though, his giant paws still in the water, and, planting his feet, shook rather like a dog. He had a thick coat, but not quite as much fur as his sister Crusade. When she came out of the water and shook, all her fur fluffed up til she looked like a giant puffball mushroom. And the best part was she never seemed to notice. Gargoyle on the other hand, most of his fur all smoothed down til the curves of his muscles could be seen with every move he made. All except for the fur around his neck and back, those long hairs tended to spike when they got wet. All in all, the male's appearence was improved by water, but, just like his sister, he never seemed to notice.