
14 Outrageous Outcomes of Ding-Dong-Ditch



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2018, 08:30 AM

Unfortunately for her sense of humor, an yet rather fortunately for everyone else, someone did indeed arrive at the border a short time later. He was a large wolf, even larger than her, but dark of pelt and he looked to be around her age. She saw a flicker of surprise in his gaze when he caught sight of her, but it was replaced quickly by an introduction and a formal sense of professionalism. What had she gotten herself into? Sephira cleared her throat and tried her best to affect something similar. "I'm Sephira Agnivo, Jarl of Fyri, second in command to my brother Ignatius." She shook her coat out a bit with a bit of a shimmy, already desperately uncomfortable.

Well, she'd lasted about as long as she could. The right side of her mouth hooked up in a half-grin and she went on, a bit less restrained."You beat us to the punch, I think. Your pack sprung up just a few days before ours, but we settled in the northern lands. I sent myself over to get introductions out of the way. To be perfectly honest, diplomacy bores the hell out of me but I still have a few questions." She rolled her eyes and thumped her tail on the ground a few times. Seph wondered how the male would react. Whether he was easy-going or strict and cruel. A lot could be learned by setting up a stage and seeing what happened on it.

"I'm curious about the sort of pack you've built here," she said, hoping he'd be willing to tell her a few things about their new potential rivals or allies. "Namely are you open to trading resources, and do we have to worry about waking up one morning and finding your wolves toeing over our borderline for no good reason." Her grin widened. Alliances never hurt, and she would be impressed by the balls on anyone who could admit to being a threat right-out, but more than that Sephira was eager to learn whether or not the packs here had any demands looking to be supplied. She had learned early in life that being able to provide something that was desired was a sort of power hotheaded fools usually overlooked. While she doubted they were as strapped for meat, there had to be something. Ig might not even accuse her of trying to start wars if she was able to come back with information like that.

"Talk" "You" Think