
Totally Not A Date [Cael&Shaye]



3 Years
Extra large
11-26-2018, 11:19 AM (This post was last modified: 11-26-2018, 11:20 AM by Asharya.)

Whether you preferred the word whimsical or distractible, there was little argument to be had over the fact that Asha pretty much just did whatever she wanted. What she wanted on that particular morning was to meander. Perhaps around the eastern lands. Perhaaps towards the border of one pack in particular. Perhaaaaps in the hopes of bumping into one specific wolf. Perhaps. Unfortunately for her, she was not lucky enough to catch any scent of her out and about, so logic led Asha to assume she was tucked away inside Abaven's borders. Inconvenient.

Asha sat a pace back from the borderline and frowned. The Abraxas in her had half a mind to pay the border no heed and go fetch Cael on her own, but that would probably end in a fight. Malleus would chew her ass off if she instigated some bullshit for no good reason. Well to her it was a good enough reason, but she figured he might disagree. Stirring shit was typically a top priority, so on any other day it would have been a no brainer but today... Well. She huffed and grumbled. It was Cael's fault for being so damn amusing, anyways. It was rare enough that Asharya found another wolf not only as prone to mischief as she was, but also willing and able to put up with her bullshit. Asha wasn't always easy to get along with, but Caelestis held her own, always giving as good as she got. Against everything but bees, at least.

It felt lame to ask permission for anything. It chafed at her, far more accustomed to taking what she wanted and pissing on borderlines after for good measure. But if she had anything to do about it this wouldn't be the last time she came calling, so might as well grease the way for herself from here on out. After grumbling out a few choice curses under her breath, she tipped her head back and let out a low howl. It was for Cael, mostly, and pretty quiet at that. She hoped the younger shewolf would hear it and come quickly, but any alpha worth their salt would probably heed it as well. Her cousin Archon had ruled here briefly, but since returning it to the control of the mortals she had no idea who was running the pack now. Hopefully they were chill with Asha temporarily stealing one of their members. She would probably return her eventually, so what was the big deal? This was stupid, she should have just waltzed in, grabbed Cael and split. Oh well, too late now.

"Talk" "You" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox