
As Good as I Ever Was

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-26-2018, 03:19 PM

Seeing Corvus set himself up, and hearing the sounds of the others already engaging in battle, she grinned. Her ears stayed pinned back, eyes narrowed. Paws were spread evenly, and knees bent. Her teeth bared, her shoulders raised. Remembering an attack Rhyme had unleashed on her, Shaye shifted her weight to her back paws, and launched herself forward. She wasn’t certain she did the move as much justice as Rhyme had

She angled to her right as Corvus dove at her front on, and met his attack somewhere in the middle. He would raise his paws, and she would shove her left shoulder upwards like a battering ram as she aimed to slam her shoulder into the left shoulder of Corvus. Her weight moved partially to her left side to push her weight into the attack, well digging in with her claws on all four feet to keep her balance.

His paws would wrap around her, through if her attack made it, he might find raising his left shoulder all the way up difficult with her weight pressed against it. With his front paws off the ground, she would aim to drive her weight further and further into him in the hopes of knocking him unbalanced.

Her jaws would loosen, widening as she attempted to go for the soft base of her opponent's ear. If they found purchase, she would tug on the appendage, both to distract him and to draw blood. She would not tug hard enough to do any serious damage.

"Talk" "You" Think


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