
Along the Ledge

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-26-2018, 05:37 PM

Rhyme found the slower pace comfortable, in his normal day to day he always felt like he rushed. He moved quickly, especially compared to the blind Tana. Besides, taking your time down the mountain prevented any missteps. Rhyme felt a brief accomplishment that he hadn’t been reprimanded by her companions since they’d started the journey to her new home. He felt his ears swivel to take in her words this time, his eyes on a particularly rough patch of trail. She liked plants, he wondered if she knew more about the healing than hurtful. She liked to learn, and he knew then she was on her way to the right pack. Though pups didn’t seem to be a possibility very soon he hoped Abaven would eventually welcome new life.

She of course, would not forget the possibilities of him acting like her master. She added on that she would do whatever was asked of her, and Rhyme did intent on taking advantage of that statement. He stopped, and turned his head back towards her even though she couldn’t see him.

"I want you to do what Tana wants to do." He stood and tried to look into both sets of eyes of her companions before turning back towards the trail and starting the pace again. He needed them to know he was serious, surely the way to Tana was through her lemurs. He spoke again, "You’ll like to meet my cousin, Vail." calling back as he navigated a couple large drops in the trail. "Watch out for these drops," he couldn’t help but to intrude on her companions job. He continued his previous thought like it hadn’t happened though. "She’s mostly blind and a healer, she’ll be able to teach you all of the plants within Abaven’s border."