
Eat, Sleep, be Scary

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-26-2018, 06:04 PM

He could feel the pity from her voice, subtle as she commiserated with him. Rhyme had no doubt she had seen her fair share of misery, she couldn’t have been much older than he was. She continued with the thought and offered an out, but Rhyme had no need to escape from reality. He had seen horrendous things, but never once had he sought to erase the feeling those memories gave him. He felt more alive now than ever, and clouding the clarity pain brought didn’t seem right to him. His pains had melted away when he had joined Abaven. He had a pack to keep him busy, he had daily interactions with family, and his mother and father were back together. Rhyme had no use for pain relief.

He didn’t change his expression though, he watched the she wolf’s graceful movements. He let himself be caught up in the fluttering of her lashes and the full moon glinting off her upturned eyes. Rhyme didn’t move as she walked back past him, and he felt himself lean into her slightly allowing their fur to mingle. He kept his sapphire and lavender gaze on her as she offered him solace again, finally asking what he desired most as she brought herself more near. He let their gaze meet, charged by the light of the full moon. He felt his lips curl back to show his pearly teeth and they flashed as he spoke back to her.

"Your question could yield many answers," his voice came out husky as he attempted to close the distance between them. "If you asked this morning, I would have said to enjoy my breakfast." He leaned in, closing his yes as he enjoyed the pleasant scents that wafted from her fur. "This afternoon, not distracted by my hunger," He added emphasis to the word. "I might have told you prosperity for my pack. And right now in this moment," Rhyme felt his body tingling again. "I would say you."