
Me and the Devil



8 Years
11-26-2018, 07:23 PM

Hannibal thirsted for power at all times, his jaws salivated at the thought of sitting his rump upon a glistening throne. Though, his slithering thoughts twisted the endless opportunities this new pack gave him. Could Hannibal rise in ranks just enough to gain power but not the stress a crown came with? Perhaps a beta position would suffice for the former Emperor. There was no reason for the partially-albino male to claw at the heir position just yet. There was plenty of time for the behemoth to expose his strengths to this soon to be King and Tyranis will surely make these decisions as he sees fit. Hannibal would eventually command but what title he may end up with only time will tell. For now, the phantom was merely a pawn for Tyranis to use in the formation of his pack. A vital piece in this elaborate game they all played.

The Klein male took in the baritone vocals of his taller 'companion'. A smile stained pink lips as he further took in the dark form of this opposing Wolf. Mismatch eyes were curiously invading Tyr's own, taking in each flicker of emotion he may find. Hannibal's gaze had a hint of desire lurking within it's depths before more commanding tones were emitted. His name graced the ebony jowls of Tyranis and Hannibal let a luxurious grin sweep across his lips in response.

Deviant thoughts were interrupted as the tone seemed get a tad bit more serious. Tyranis officially accepted Hannibal into Erövrare. The phantom stood up straight once again with a firm nod. His silky grin never leaving as he thought over Tyr's final words. With a little flick of his tail Hannibal emitted his own illustrious tones, "I will lurk within these lands to both patrol and search for a suitable den before the masses take claim to all the decent ones." A very slight chuckle could be heard before he continued. "Although I could not fathom the thought of missing the historical day in which Tyranis Praetor officially forms the mighty Erövrare." Hannibal flashed a desire riddled smirk with an attempt at an alluring look. "Therefore expect my presence on the battlefield and I shall anticipate the summon during these exciting days until then." The phantom's elaborate mind painted such a grand illustration of Tyranis forging his own iron crown upon the battlefield and marching his masses to the shrine to lay claim to his rightful territory.

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