
No Postcode Envy


07-10-2013, 09:24 AM

Dramatic? Well, yeah, jumping in the water to save a stranger from a snake was pretty dramatic. Not exactly the response she had been expecting, but not all that surprising as she thought back to his rude, grumpy answer earlier. She was a little annoyed by that, but at least he did say thank you... only to then tell her that he had been immune in the first place. So pretty much everything she just did was actually no help at all and just made her look dramatic and muddy. Her ears folded back and she blushed furiously. Who did he think he was?! She had been ginuenly concerned for him and now he basically tells her that it was for nothing.

He got out of the water on her side of the river, shaking off the excess water and making his pelt lay against his body, showing off his handsome frame. Somehow, him looking better coming out of the water than he went in just made her more angry with him. She was a muddy mess thanks to her stiring up the dirt on the river floor and the water just molded his fur to his muscles. She gave a soft, frustrated growl, clenching her teeth to keep from saying something she would regret later. He may be rude, but Syne knew better. Her mother had always told her to be on her best behavior every where she went, no matter what, and she took that commandment with her always. Without a word she turned back the way she was heading before this whole ordeal happened, stalking away from him while still steaming and feeling embarassed for herself.
