
Write To Me & Escape


07-10-2013, 10:15 AM

His sudden burst of speed caught Aeil offguard. It was evident in her facial expressions that she hadn't expected him to start running. Aeil's mind quickly began to work and the gears inside her head told her body to MOVE! The body mechanics she possessed pushed her legs forward and before she knew it, she was racing in the wind. "That is sooo not fair!" she yelled after the large he-wolf, laughter ringing in the air as she attempted to catch up.
The changes from sitting to running, just minutes from each other, made Aeil appreciate how easily she could move. By doing this, she further enjoyed the way it felt to just run. With her swift paws moving beneath her and the balance she maintained within, she felt light as a feather with increased speed. As she covered more ground, she got closer to Dragon without even trying. If she could find someone who would run with her just for the fun of it, as well as to enjoy it, she would be content. Who knows...maybe she had already found him.
The fun she was having was evident in the light that shined in her eyes. A sliver of seriousness could be seen, too, but it was still surrounded by warmth. Aeil barked at Dragon, but it wasn't a serious one as she started to laugh before it even ended. She also attempted to nip at his tail, teeth hitting thin air as they continued to race. She put on a burst of speed and came up next to his left side. Her eyes met his and she playfully growled, snapping gently out towards his neck. Another snap to thin air, but she laughed all the same.
