
Settle In



4 Years
Extra small
11-27-2018, 08:15 PM

He took what was left of the rabbit and she listened to every move he made. She was starting to feel slightly comfortable in his presence but still didn't think herself anything but a slave with him her master. Though he was trying awful hard to be slow and make every move unintimidating to her. Honestly though when all things were considered it was hard for her not to be intimidated by anyone, she'd been beaten, blinded and every creature she met was gigantic when compared to her.

He answered her question and she was taken aback by it. He wanted to share a den with her? Even if just until she dug her own somewhere else, it was irregular to her. The only one she had ever even slept close to was Sintaro and then the next morning he was even more dreadful than before. She'd fallen pregnant that night though and that was how she lost her tail and sight, not to mention she had been forced to give up her pups to be sacrificed by Apostle to secure the alphas virility. It might of been easy to read the pain on her face at the memory but she shook it away again. That was a long time ago and this alpha had promised no harm would come to her. It just was hard for her to believe that there was any other way of life than the one she had lead. "W-won't y-your m-m-mate be m-mad?" after all she'd look like some where if his mate walked in to their den to find him and her sharing a den.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.