
Dinner and a Show


07-10-2013, 11:32 AM

Audits careened forward, gaze intense, muscles locked. Her fur ruffled, crinkling with delight as the goddess paced forward. Slender bodice would lower to the ground, claws scraping against the dirt with purpose and stride. Her tail flickered behind her, taunting, powerful. The rabbit paused, its furry head of white peeking up and glancing about the area wearily, it could sense its impending doom, it merely couldn't see her. It resumed it grazing of the grasses and ferns and she lunged, slender bodice propelling through the air, she would land with a crunch as the creature screamed and the chase began. It scrambled to avoid her snapping jaws, but not quite quick enough. Jaws clamped down aroung the back of the rabbits skull and its vertebrae, cracking it in half. The creature fell limp within her grasp, dangling lifelessly and Elphaba paused.

Lowering her torso to the ground, she balanced the creature between her paws and began devouring her precious prize, allowing her mind to travel. She had never been particularly good at expressing emotion or feeling, but they twisted and careened within her abdomen now. She liked Gerhardt, she respected him as a leader, someone worthy of fighting tooth and claw for, he was brave, understanding, caring, and harsh when he needed to be, she enjoyed that aspect of him, probably more than she was willing to admit, she buried her fangs in the soft, meaty part of the rabbits thigh and scowled. He was a good friend and nothing more. His ex was constantly distracting him, pulling him away for one reason or another, she couldn't help but assume he still possessed feelings for her, and even if he hadn't he wouldn't look twice at her, she knew that. A growl threatened to rumble up through her larynx but she suppressed it.

She supposed it mattered little, what was done, was done and she would never have him, she needed to stop living in such a ridiculous fantasy, it was time for her to grow back up. A rustling of something approaching her, caught her hypersensitive ears and they swiveled forward, Golden eyes teeming with something unreadable as she waited for this creature to approach her.
