
Uncle Johnny



8 Years
11-29-2018, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 12-10-2018, 06:50 PM by Hannibal.)

The greyscale male brought forth tid bits of explanation and Hannibal offered a tiny nod in respond. Comfrey.. The herb sounded familiar due to his mother being talented with herbs and gathering, her intellect was astounding. Though, he never got the chance to truly study under her due to his training with father. Thus, the word comfrey was nothing but a very distant twinge of familiarity. Soon the male moved away from Hannibal, putting some distance between them. The phantom did not blame with stranger, for all he knew Hannibal could have ill intentions. Which is rather possible for such a dark minded heathen, but upon this morning his mask was a bit more positive in tone. There was no reason to cause mischief with this stuttering boy, it seemed no matter what Hannibal could manage to leave a lasting impression.

Hannibal stood his ground, not wishing to close the distance and allowing the stranger to search for his flowers. A pale smile still graced his two-toned muzzle as he observed. Mismatch eyes took the form of the lanky fellow as more broken verbiage filled the air. Comfrey is good for the skin.. Interesting. Hannibal was riddled with skin issues. The sun burnt his pink flesh with ease causing for his upper back to scab rather often. This made the male reclusive and only showing his face in the later hours. Back home he had a servant who would rub aloe on his back and muzzle at the end of each long summer day. Few knew of his weakness, a King who could only lead at night? How horrid did that sound. Thus, he kept this ailment between blood and that singular servant.

The albino raised a brow in response as he tilted his curious cranium. "The skin you say?" The male lowered himself onto his rump, curling his black and white tail around his lower half. The beast leaned in towards the stranger to observe further. "Does one ingest Comfrey or is it made into some sort of solvent to be placed on the skin?" Despite his manipulative ways Hannibal was truly interested in what this oddball had to say. A herb of this nature could change Hannibal's way of life completely.


This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.