
Take hold of your future

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-29-2018, 06:19 PM
He hadn't had a good talk with Spider in a while. He seemed to have moments of confidence, before realizing how he had spoken out and folded in on himself. It left her feeling hopeful, if she could nurture that part of him that had a little bit of confidence, perhaps she could help the man bloom into the wolf he should have been. Would have been, if life hadn't kept throwing him curveballs. She had had an idea, that mentoring off the two damaged wolves in her pack, she could encourage others to help them and grow the confidence she knew they could boost.

She had asked Vail to apprentice Tana, knowing the blind wolf would benefit most from a blind mentor. Spider had been a little harder. She had a strong feeling the man knew more about healing then Solor did, but wasnt certain who else he could ask to mentor the wolf. She would do it herself, but already had started an apprenticeship with a young wolf. Solor acted cocky and confident, but Shaye knew he had a soft side. After all... he was marrying her sister. She made her way to the main creek that snaked through Abaven and sat at the waters edge, raising her head and howled for Spider


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