

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-10-2013, 12:35 PM
While her front paws were as steady as can be, Jupiter hadn't quite accounted for the continued momentum of of her pivoting hips, but used it to her advantage once it became consciously known to her. Just before her opponent's dial began to shake violently she brought their bodies perpendicular, bringing her form closer to his left paw and causing it to remain upon her lower shoulder instead of falling and being able to aim at her neck. Kaios' first head-jerk to his right, should he still be gripping and bending his neck at such an awkward angle with her turn, would be enough to rip the flesh from her, peeling her pelt and leaving a much wider area of exposed tissue. Regardless, blood spilled lightly from the wound, the portion of the fatty area he grabbed not deep enough to do damage that was anything less than a lot of pain. Luckily, adrenaline and the fact that her life was on the line made her almost unaware of the injury. She was too busy in her own endeavors to end his life to actually notice, ears pinned and eyes narrowed minutely with frustration and anger, tail out and even to try and maintain her balance to the best of her ability with the beast clutched upon her.

He began to shake and she took this time to press forward, weight tipping to her toes (especially upon her front left set as she hoped to bury her claws into his neck for either a pain or bruising factor, his flesh being the only thing separating her talons from the earth). Jaws relaxed only enough to allow for her to attempt to mercilessly and powerfully crunch and grip a wider area of his neck as she shifted forward a substantial amount--enough to allow for her neck to remain scrunched. She endeavored to grab enough to collect something substantial and fatal, especially with him possibly being occupied in his attempt to ravage her. She planned to keep a potentially suffocating and damaging hold on his flesh should she succeed, determined to end his life right here and now.

The fat upon her vital area bundled in a manner that would cover about half of the newly-exposed tissue, feebly protecting it from immediate grabbing in its folds. He had ripped away a lot of fur in his assault and it would likely be caught on his teeth or be near-impossible to swallow quickly, hopefully stalling his next attack if it were the case.

She pressed her shoulders forward to shield the base of her throat should he somehow work his way there, and also to veil her shoulder blades and prevent them from being an easy target of attack. With her legs evenly and lightly spread, it came to her as a passing thought to get his head down. Only a moment after her press forward she curled her left leg to her and then partially extended it up and out to her left. She put power into the downstroke as she attempted to bring her paw (or lower leg, depending on his movements) upon his head or upper neck with goals to try and pin his head to the ground. She shifted her weight to that side of the body, kicking her hind left leg a bit more leftwards for support so she wouldn't be completely unbalanced should she miss in her endeavors.

round 5/5

attacks - Relaxes jaws quickly and just enough to press forward and hopefully grab much, much more of his neck and hold on, aiming for a fatal attack. Her paw and leg raise immediately afterwards, partially extending to her left to try and crash upon his upper-neck/head and pin his dial down to keep him from retaliating to the best of his ability.

defenses - Continues and ends her pivot to bring them perpendicular, accented by a followed press forward to both enhance her attack and keep his left paw from ever falling from her shoulder/neck completely despite his fall, hence the reason why it wasn't able to try and harm her neck. Ears are pinned, weight is distributed to the best of her abilities, upon her toes for optimal balance as she moves forward. To defend this equilibrium despite her paw attack, her hind left leg is kicked out to the left in case she fails in that particular endeavor. Her neck is scrunched still to protect her bare wounds and her shoulders are pressed forward to conceal the jutting blades and to protect the base of her throat. No precaution is ever too much when in a fight to the death. c:

injuries - Decent-sized (a jagged circle about 3 inches or so in diameter, now worsened with irritation and lacerations) area of fur ripped clean from the area of the side of her neck. Moderate to severe bruising upon both sides of her chest from repeated collisions. Raw neck round on the left side of her neck covering a wide area from the flesh being peeled and jerked back away from it, about three or four inches in width and deep enough to cause great discomfort.

ooc - It's had it's ups and downs, Ais, but I'm glad things turned out well in the end. Thank you for this fight, and good luck! You've got the last move, and then it's done! :DD

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.