
Dinner and a Show


07-10-2013, 12:37 PM

She pondered why she was so drawn to the King, she rarely made snap decisions and yet, when he had offered him his home, she had taken her oath near immediate. There was something about him that soothed her, something that made her want to leave the past behind and actually try to make something of herself, something better, something not so...broken. He was there for her, if she needed it, she knew that all too well, but he had never nor had he ever pried. A friend when one needed it and a phantom when one needed time to think. He didn't have to speak, he understood her flawlessly, even with all of her bizarre and odd habits. She would never regret her decision to serve beneath his banner, he was, quite honestly, the best thing that had ever happened in her life.

She paused in her meal as the rustling grew louder, it would be a Seracian no doubt and if it wasn't they would meet her tooth and fang at the ready. The coppery tang of blood had dulled her senses, and she couldn't discern who it was right off the bat but she would be ready. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on which way you looked at it, the very source of all of her turmoil gently appeared before, materializing with grace that only kings possessed. For a moment she stayed silent, wondering what it was he wished of her. Was it time to track down the bull? Was he here to ask for her aide? Forgetting her own curiosities, she dipped her cranium, offering him a humble bow of respect. Before she could speak, he beat her too it.

A gentle smile would pull at her lips as he complimented her, and she dipped her head again, eyes sparkling with just a hint of humor. ?Apparently being of smaller stature has its perks on occasion.? She answered him teasingly, the light in her eyes and the gentle smile upon her maw, showing her words were not to be taken too seriously. Her plume, flickered behind her, coiling around her haunches, she nudged the carcass towards the King, despite her turmoil, she was in a good mood, the king, or so it seemed, brought a great deal more than just good company. ?Your presence is always welcome with me Gerhardt, would you care to dine with me?? She had caught the rabbit more for sport than for a good meal, and she was more than willing to share.
