
Ninjas, anyone?



3 Years
11-30-2018, 01:16 AM (This post was last modified: 12-14-2018, 08:42 AM by Thorne.)
Name: Darce
Age: 2 years
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: #8
Description: A dark pacthwork of varying hues. Charcoal and ebony paints him in an array of differing patterns, arcing over that tall, lanky body. Awkward and gangly, still lingering that phase of adolescent, he is yet to obtain muscle, yet to fill out. His coat is of mid-length, though it tends to thicken during the colden seasons, a habit he absouletly detests, as he believs it detracts from his 'manly, brustish facade'. Set into his cranium, twin pairs of crimson orbs. Both are narrow and glitter with pain and hidden depth, often acting as a mask of sorts to conceal the demons within.

Personality: A terrified little boy hiding behind a facade of sarcasmn and cold indifference. Darce wears a sneer like a suit of armour, unwilling to be vunerable, to be open, with anyone. He fears rejection, runs from it every night in his dreams, and conjures it within the eyes of his parents, blurring reality and fantasy until he has convinced himself that everyone in his company despises him. Rather then allow them the chance to reject him, he chooses to put up a cold barrier between them, wearing his frosty disposition like a second skin. Despite this, Darce harbours an immense craving for love and acceptance, and although he longs this banish this desire forever, he can't deny his ravenous hunger for the approval of others.

How are they related to Balsam?: Older brother
History: From a young age, Darce has felt resentment towards his other siblings, believing his parents to favour them over him. Regardless of whether or not this is true, he has grown up bitter and restless, eager to prove himself as a loyal and worthy warrior, and this has only worsened upon his father's death. Unfortunately, many of his attempts have ended in disaster, and as a result, Darce has festered and become discontented. For reasosn unbeknowest to even himself, he is particuarly spiteful of Balsam, and projects many of his internal frustrations onto the younger boy. It is likely that, due to Balsam's younger age, he is easier to blame in this instance. In correlation to this, he treats his younger brother with cold disinterest, and this has caused a rift between the brothers, as least as far as he is concerned.

Plans: Catching wind of his brother's quest, Darce follows the younger boy and eventually catches up to him. Unsurprisingly, he demands his brother returns home, furious at the idiocy of his plan. Believeing the boy wants to upstage him, he intitally refuses to listen to reason, aiming to garner favour with his family by safetly returning him home. However, he eventually realises the potential in such an idea, and so he tags along in an attempt to prove himself. And...although Darce doesn't want to admit it, there is a part of him that doesn't want to see his brother splattered across a forest floor.

I really want to develope the relationship between the boys and build Darce's character. I'd love to see him go from grumpy emo kid to a kind of protective guardian, perhaps. Or maybe, should things not turn out as planned, he'll go full angsty villian and just explode. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.

[All done! Let me know if any changes need to be made!]