
Nobody's hero

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-30-2018, 02:08 AM

Excellent the older wolf would say, falling silent as she spoke about her own interest in the North. She finished explaining about the unknown pack, and her desire to get a lay of the land. Her little tree Swallow pushed off from her back, and took to the air again. She fluttered about in the chilled winds, and Shaye had no doubt that she would be returning to the warmth of the wolf’s coat soon.

She shook her head at the little birds antics, and turned her attention back to Xephyris, the light toned wolf had pushed himself to his feet with a stretch, and indicated that they should be off. “Thank you, sounds like a good place to use as a base as we explore the North.” she agreed easily, getting to her paws herself. She had seated herself to converse with him, and felt the wind ruffle through the parts of her that had been covered as she sat. it certainly was cooler here, and winter wasn’t too far off. She didn’t mind it, not truly. Her thick coat did well in the colder temperature, and she was pleased to be out of the heat.

“Sounds like a plan. Of course, lead the way. he was clearly eager to being straight away, a no time to lose sort of wolf. She hid a smile and followed after him. He took her across the sand, and she heard the crashing of the sea beside them. The scent of salt tingled on her tongue and she parted her lips as she looked out across the ocean. The moment she realised her pace had slowed, she picked it back up once more and moved after the older wolf. She could already see the caves he had mentioned. She looked at the tall, willowy trees of the North as she passed them. Of course, she was more curious about the wolf before her and his life, through she didn’t ask any further questions now. Hopefully, they would have plenty of chances to get to know one another.

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