
With Careful Steps

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
11-30-2018, 02:17 AM

It was interesting to realise that the newest member of her pack had been born around the same time as herself. Where had he been, as she had been running through the beaches of Auster, searching for the perfect Macaw feather with her father? He was scarred, and gruffier then she. So much so, that she had been weary in the first moments of their meeting. There where not many wolves that loomed over and Shaye, and no doubt his height had factored into it as well. Over the course of their conversation, she had found herself growing more comfortable with him.

The middle aged man had been tired to begin with, but grew more confident as they spoke. Every sentence had been concern or regarding the future of the pups, and it was clear that his brothers young where his main concern. She wondered who their father was, and what had happened to him and their mother, but hadn’t found a tactful way to ask. Whatever had happened, it was clear that Acere was their guardian now, and he was doing a fine job of it.

She found a scent of him in the thicket of her pack, a territory she only really roamed in to do border patrols and renew her scent. The lands where larger than her pack members could fit, and this territory had been a little neglected in her attention. She liked that he had found his home here. It gave her the feeling that Abaven was growing, spilling out into the other areas she had claimed.

She wasn’t certain if she had intended to follow his trail, but she came upon him even as he centered around her thoughts. The towering, white coated male seemed to be studying the grass around him, listening, and looking through the tall grass. She had no doubt he knew her approach, and she stopped a short distance away. “The thicket? I’m surprised. The sound of crickets is going to drive you mad.” she teased him. She didn’t know him well, so she was surprised that the joke came to her so easily.


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