
I am Not My Own


07-10-2013, 12:45 PM (This post was last modified: 07-10-2013, 12:45 PM by Cherokee.)

Making their babies had been the easy part. Now it was time for the actual work to begin. It was going to become endless nights of staying up to watch the children, having to attend to their every need, but that was once they were born. Until then, his priority would become Song. He would have to spend every waking moment with her from now until their children were born. He couldn't risk something happening to her and their pups if he was away for even a second. He was going to become like her shadow, always by her side, always watching her. He would probably get to the point of annoying her with his presence all the time, but he would take it all in stride. As long as she was safe and healthy, then he would annoy her until the end of time. Her safety and the safety of his pups were his priority now and nothing was going to keep him from making sure they were safe.

They're going to be so wonderful, just like you. Everything is happening so fast. But I'm glad. I can't wait to meet them. He leaned up to nuzzle her, burying his face into her neck, rumbling with content. I think they're going to be more like you my little dove. You're going to be an excellent mother, I can see it already. He pulled back, a loving smile tugging at his inky lips as he pressed them to his wife's forehead in a soft kiss. How he loved this woman.

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