

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 12:09 AM

"Talk" "walk"

Mount Volkan was practically next door to her territory, and she had not known about the pack living on its slopes. She would have retained her ignorance as the pack dispersed, if it wasn't for the wolves who had come to her door. Ace and his pups had joined Abaven, and told her about Ruina, the pack that almost shared a border with her. Her ignorance was shocking, and if there was something she hated, it wasn’t having all the facts.

She ensured Rhyme had the day free to spend in Abaven - they had been having a lot of border calls, lately - and prepared for her journey. She brought her little tree swallow with her, and plotted scouting out the territory. She left early in the day, and made the trek across to the mountain. She was impressed at the towering sight of it, and wondered again at her lapse in investigating it before this. She had always seen it from a distance, but it had been just another feature of the land. She shook her head at herself, and began the climb upwards. It was a barren, rocky territory. Not the sort you might look at and see as ideal for a pack. Unless perhaps the reasons had been strategic.. If you knew the land, it would be hard to get an invading force up here.

Feather flew ahead, and helped Shaye to find the easiest course upwards. It was a lot of climbing, and scrambling across rocks. It didn’t help that Feather didn’t have the best sense on what the easiest path was. After all, she could fly. After a while of walking, she began to realize that the course Feather had taken her on was a tricky one, her path got narrower as she ascended, and she reached a point where the only way up was to clamber over and jump from rocky point to rocky point. A little pensive, the Alpha climbed the closest rock, and eyed up the jump. Yeah, she could make it.

She coiled her back paws, and pushed off. She completely misjudged the slipperiness of the rock she stood on. Her paws caught on moss, and her jump flopped. She fell downwards, for a moment she felt nothing but the wind brushing through her coat, and her heart beating rapidly against her chest.

She hit, but she didn’t really remember the landing. Her vision went blurry, and things seemed dark, she took a breath, and lost consciousness. She couldn’t hear the sudden, frantic cries of her bird. Feather swooped downwards, then fluttered back upwards, crying out in fear. Sometimes she landed, pecking the nose of the unconscious wolf, at other times she flew upwards, crying out at the top of her lungs, a high pitched, peeping cry for help.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.