
One Hell of a Woman


07-10-2013, 12:51 PM

She wasn't precisely looking forward to explaining her actions. She didn't wish to delve into the happenings of her past, but she knew that if anyone deserved the reasons why she had committed such a crime, it was Adonis, he had been nothing but a perfect gentleman too her and if he wished her words, she would give them too him willingly. She had not done what she had because she yearned for blood or the taste of power, she had done what she needed to do to finally get closure. The cards were even, laid out and despite what everyone may or may not think, fair. Morgan had not only stolen her mate, but she had stolen the pups that by all rights should have been hers, Morgan had a family even if she no longer associated with Freak. Evelette had....well... next to nothing.

His words, however, surprised her and she smile, her plume gently drifting back behind her in a true show of how entirely much she had enjoyed his words. She rounded more to face him fully and drew closer, why had no one claimed this male for their own??Thank you, I will tend to the scratches, you needn't worry, I am sorry you had to see me in such a light, I would have preferred no one seeing that.? She winced slightly as she obeyed and began to follow him. The blood was beginning to dry, forming thick clumps on her alabaster coat. ?Would you care for a swim Adonis? I know I could sorely use a bath.?
