
Homecoming King



2 Years
Extra large
12-01-2018, 12:04 PM

When the shewolf noticed him at last, she seemed to light up. Orion felt his own heartbeat quicken, thinking perhaps she had recognized him even if he didn't quite recall her. But something he said seemed to have broken that spell... Uh oh. He figured he must have done something dumb, but before he could wonder she said, “I- I’m an Elementas, do you have any ties to that family?” Oh.

Orion realized pretty quickly he'd been mistaken, strange as that seemed. He'd never seen another wolf with a pelt of stars that hadn't been his kin, but... And she had seemed so excited. Orion figured maybe she too had been expecting family, but... "Sorry, no," he said softly, embarrassed by his role in the mix up. "I'm Orion Aeris-Imperialis. My mother's kin and my siblings share, well.." he waggled a paw between them. "It's not every day I cross paths with another wolf that shares our look. Your Elementas must be quite the clan, if they're anything like us," he softly boasted, but it was meant mostly in jest. He would rather the younger wolf laugh than look disappointed.

In the back of his mind he realized that this was probably a bad thing. Orion had been running on the assumption that the only astral-pelted wolves in Boreas were Aeris wolves, but this... He'd never heard of the Elementas, not that he could remember. It seemed as if his search just got a hell of a lot harder. "Do you live around here?" He wondered. Perhaps she had been sired by an Aeris and just didn't know... It still seemed likely enough that there might be a connection for him to press further, but he didn't want to seem rude or too pushy. Unfortunately that didn't do much to lessen his curiosity.

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