
There is Just News

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 03:26 PM

She could see the negative impact the news had had on this wolf, and Shaye watched him with compassionate eyes, giving him a moment to come to terms with what he had heard. The last two wolves she had told about Sparrow had only known her by name and hadn’t felt the blow as this wolf clearly did. Shaye kept her silence, pulling back her own sadness at the memory of what had happened to her cousin.

He got control of himself after a moment, and thanked her for her offer, she included her head in response and listened to what he had to say. “Of course, and Celestial is a good pack, we have an alliance with them, in fact. The offer is always open, if you ever wish to enter Abaven for memories sake, just let me know at the border.” she said kindly to the man. Sounded joining would never be on the table, and well she was always on the lookout for new members, she respected that completely.

He still looked a little shell shocked by the news she had dropped on him. Perhaps she could have been more subtle, but she was practical and honest. Still, she was sorry that she didn’t have better news for him. She gladly would have had Sparrow return, and mourned the time Shaye had spent away from her and the rest of her family.

“Yes, in fact he was my Uncle, making Sparrow my cousin. I’m the daughter of Motif.” she would add, since this wolf seemed familiar with a lot of the names of her family. She almost almost asked if this wolf had any news on members of her family, but it was clear that he had come here seeking answers himself. No, the fate of her parents, her Uncle, and all who where gone, would still be unknown to her.


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