
Step Lightly


07-10-2013, 01:20 PM

Despite the water helping the pair relieve themselves from their painful wounds, its effects were starting to backfire on them. It was sapping the heat straight from their body, Hansel's in particular as his attempt at a grin quickly dissolved into a clattering of his teeth. They need to get out of the water. And now. At her question he began looking around, his azure eyes locking in on something she hadn't yet, his gentle nudge asking her to follow him as the two moved out of the water. As Hansel moved on ahead, Yin took a moment to shake herself off, trying to rid herself of as much as she could before continuing on.

Her companion brought her to the entrance of what looked liked a den, but from what she could see, it looked far too small to be able to house two wolves of their size. Did he really think that they would be able to fit in there comfortably? It was a good while that he was in there, not much of a sound coming from the inside of the cave until Hansel came back to the entrance, giving the all clear to come in. Ivory paws carried the pale woman inside the den, crown ducking to prevent it from bumping against the mouth of den. At first she thought it was going to be super tiny but the more inside she went, the bigger it became. Well that was an interesting surprise. Guess it isn't as small as I thought. she murmured, mismatched gaze dancing across the walls of the den, taking it in.

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