
With Careful Steps

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-01-2018, 10:22 PM

His answer was brief, trailing off, and the hesitance of it was enough to bring her gaze back to him, curious at what was going on behind his deep crimson gaze. What did he think of the way she had come into power? She hadn’t desired it, she had only done what she thought best. The older members of the pack where still terribly quite, faces she almost never saw and scents she hardly came across. The newer members of the pack, virtually everyone she had accepted since becoming Alpha where progressive members of her pack. They made the effort, and she was grateful for it.

She wanted this to be a home for everyone, but sometimes she wondered where she had gone wrong with those that had been here before her…

She shook her head, finding Ace had begun to speak again. He explained about their father - her guess had been right, he was the Alpha of Ace’s old pack. He also questioned the sanity of his brother, and she realised why he had sounded so serious at her joke. He had hinted at knowing wolves that weren’t all there.

“I’m sorry.” Shaye said softly, soubly glad he had found the children, and that he had brought them here. She wanted to give them a real shot at life in Abaven. Not to mention, Abaven needed young life, and she was grateful that there were two pups to nurture, to mentor, here.

“If you find their other siblings, I would like to meet them. Shaye said, without context on their age and nature, that was the best she could offer him. But, she did want to give them a chance here too, in Abaven. “What are their names?” she would ask, wondering if she should ask members of her pack to keep an eye out for them. If they had been abandoned like Actaea, perhaps she could find a way to help them.

“I’m glad you came to Abaven, Ace. sounds like it hasn’t been an easy path to get here… but at, i’m glad it brought you to me.” she offered him a smile, almost shy as she looked up at the white coated warrior.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.