



7 Years
Extra large

Trick 2019
12-01-2018, 11:19 PM
Ah, the climb. He hadn't even thought that far ahead yet. Odysseus' concern had been centered around making sure the woman was alright. Hopefully she was well enough to make the climb out, otherwise they were going to have to get very creative. And they weren't exactly in the best climate for MacGyver-ing so to pull off a successful rescue they'd have to be pretty clever.

"We lived here in the east once upon a time. Olafur and I. Coming back to where we started just seemed..." Odysseus trailed off as he tried to think of the word that best suited their situation. They were starting over; basically starting again as if the last five years hadn't happened. "Appropriate."

A clatter of rocks announced the return of Olafur. "There isn't much up there," the greyscale macaque admitted as he dumped the first armload of items at Odysseus' paws. "I did find water and a few other things." The monkey was quick to scrabble back up out of sight and could be heard clattering around as Odysseus picked through the items at his paws. There was lamb's ear, calendula, rosemary and cattail. The titan, satisfied with the haul, nodded to himself. He could work with that.

In no time at all Olafur was back with two hastily crafted leaf bowls stacked on one another and clutched to his breast. He set them down in front of Odysseus and then squatted beside him. The two had been working together for years - their movements were synchronized and effortless, and they worked in silence.

After helping Odysseus crush some of the leaves, Olafur picked up one of the water bowls and brought it to Shaye. "I'm going to rinse out the gash on your head and leg. This might sting a bit." Olafur washed the wounds carefully and quickly, and once he was done he turned his attention back to Odysseus. While his companion had been working, Odysseus had combined the crushed herbs with the water in the second bowl. All that remained uncrushed was a leaf of lamb's ear and the cattails.

Olafur took the bowl from Odysseus and carefully applied the poultice to Shaye's wounds. To her leg he then applied the leaf of lamb's ear and tied it on with the cattails. The poultice over her ear would have to stay uncovered for the time being. There simply wasn't a good way to cover it with the items on hand.

"There," Odysseus said finally. "I think you're fit to travel. Think you can climb up on your own?" If not he could probably push and either solo or with Olafur's help pulling, get her to the top.

Odysseus has a male rhesus macaque companion named Olafur. Unless he's mentioned IC it's safe to assume he's not with Odysseus.