
Mother Dearest [Destruction]


07-10-2013, 01:21 PM

Dillinger was a thinker, the gears in his brain were constantly grinding, crunching down words and numbers until everything made sense inside of his own head, and then he tweaked it, twisting it to suit his own benefit, his own personal gain. His mother, it seemed, was fond of this, which in turn pleased him. She was the only one he ever cared to empress, the wrest of the world could go and suck itself for all Dillinger cared. If his mother was happy, he was happy. It was as simple as that. He disobeyed her, only to seek more knowledge, more information and as he perched before her, he waited, gauging silently what her reaction might be.

He watched her, studying her even now, the way her posture remained rigid, even though he obviously posed no threat to her, the way her eyes gleamed with emotions the way her claws flexed and scraped against the dirt, he would grow and she would be proud of him, he would obey her without flaw as was his roll in life. Plume flickering between his haunches, he waited on baited breath for his mother to deliver him an answer, he had been clever with his wording and if the slight smile that spread across his mothers maw was any indication, he had done just fine.

Her response had him tilting his head to the side. Fish? He didn't like fish, but they were a necessity and as his mother constantly reminded him, a healthy source of protein. He had never seen a live one, only the carcasses his mother had brought back. Eyes narrowing into fierce slits, he stood, plume dragging behind him. ?When can we start??
