



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-02-2018, 05:24 AM

Heart pounded in his ears as he had surged forward, hoping that he would hit something. To his surprise and satisfaction, he did end up hitting his target, and everything began to fall into place the moment after impact. Now that he was close to his opponent, he had a better feel for his opponents position and everything. A mild bruise blossomed on his own chest from the impact they had just made. His bite had missed with teeth clicking shut on air with an audible 'snap.' He did, however, manage to get his left foreleg over the older man's back. He felt his opponent's body move in a way that suggested he had lost his balance, and he could feel his opponents head near his chest now.

He felt teeth sink into the skin on his right armpit, causing Dragon to growl with pain as moderate puncture wounds were made. The new wound pulsed with pain, but it was soon taken over with adrenaline as he pushed on. The earthen male ensured his defenses were in place with hackles raised, weight evenly distributed across his hind legs with stance hip-width apart. Tail tucked beneath him to protect his belly and other important bits. Teeth bared and his head and chin were tucked, hind claws digging into the earth and toes spread to further accommodate his position.

Dragon decided to take the opportunity of being so close, seeking then to bring his right foreleg up and forward in an attempt to wrap his right forepaw behind Xephyris' neck while his left foreleg remained upon Xephyris' back, claws gripping into the fur. Dragon shoved forward, using his weight and traction to shove his chest into Xephyris' head while simultaneously leaning his front half towards his right in an attempt to finish unbalancing Xephyris' completely and to (hopefully) throw him upon his left side and onto the ground. Head then tilted downward, jaws agape as he lunged his head in an effort to sink his own teeth on the back of his opponents head. Upper fangs sought a grip behind Xeph's left ear, and bottom fangs sought to pierce behind his right ear. If he could gain control of his opponents head and get him onto the ground, then this fight would surely end swiftly!

Dragon VS Xephyris for SPAR
Round: 2/2
Height: 39"
Build: Heavy


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.