



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-02-2018, 05:40 AM
The fighting intensified, and Zell was excited with the fact he was fighting someone actually worth their salt. The younger male seemed to know how to fight, and Zell wished he could think the same for his own sons. The pair seemed to match each other blow for blow, with Zell getting in a hit here and there, and Eldi doing the same. His attempt at gripping the Eldi's muzzle would fail, though he felt his teeth scrape against the top of Eldi's muzzle. Not exactly what he was hoping for, but it was something. As Eldi moved his head out of the way, Zell's narrowed eyes spotted the boy aiming a bite at his throat. With a growl, Zell moved as quickly as possible in an effort to get away from it.

Hind legs pushed him forward, the larger male also deciding to rip his pinned paw out from under Eldi's (though he did manage a fractured toe in the process). He sought to drive his chest forward and up with both forelegs seeking to wrap on either side of Eldi in an effort to grip and hold. Eldi's bite would land upon Zell's upper chest, moderate puncture wounds resulting from the bite. They bled, but Zell didn't care. As a result of his movement, Eldi missed Zell's right shoulder, and instead, blunt claws scraped against his skin which caused mild irritation. Then, with narrowed blue eyes, Zell once again sought to land a bite on his opponent. Should he be successful in his endeavor, he aimed his fangs downward towards the back of his opponents neck at the base of the skull. Upper fangs aimed to pierce the left side, and bottom fangs sought to pierce the right. With any luck, this battle would end clean and quick.

Zell vs Eldi for spar
round 2/2
unjudged fight
height 42"
Build heavy

If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!