
Wedding jitters



4 Years
Extra small
12-02-2018, 10:08 AM

Something big was brewing in Abaven, she might not be able to see it but she could feel it. She was lounged under the maple Rhyme called his den. A fish was between her paws as she worked on it. Rhyme must of been out somewhere, but that was sort of becoming normal to Tana. she was being left to her own devices more than she had ever thought possible. She still hadn't found a den of her own, and truth be told she hadn't really been looking for a place too hard. She was becoming quite used to the sound of the raven, Imperia, and the scent of Rhyme as he slept or sat near. She hadn't done much talking to him though since he had brought her here. She did however find herself wandering through some of the territories on a daily basis. She hadn't met this Vail both he and Shaye had spoken of yet though.

She was content to stay here under Rhyme's tree though. If one wanted to find her it was not hard. Over head in the tree she could hear her companions chattering as they chased each other and played in a relaxed game of tag. She gnawed off a peice of the fish and thought more as she chewed the slimy meat. It definitely wasn't her favorite food, but it's what was available for her to catch for herself. She could of just went to the cache but the pile was less than appealing to her when she could keep her solitude in silence. A solitude that she felt was right here in the den of an alpha. Shayes words still reverberated in her mind though. There were no masters here, only friends and family. It was so foriegn to her. She'd been born a slave yet here she was in a pack that had none.

The feeling of wanting another close to her was still a foriegn concept as well, but here she was wishing for the companionship of Rhyme. Even if he only sat there quietly watching her, something about just that was nice. Rhyme still brought butterfies to her belly as well. She couldn't forget hoow gentle he had been when he touched her. She wasn't even sure Sintaro would of been so gentle the more she thought about it. Behind her in the trees roots sat a few apples and a few stems of grapes she had collected to turn into wine and cider. She'd asked Rhyme to get her a few skulls she could turn into bowls for the liquids. He had told her to do what she wanted to and she was starting to try to do so, but still had trouble with not asking for permision and trying to please both him and shaye. She'd need to eventually find a place of her own she knew, since her fermmenting fruit was starting to make his den smell slightly.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.