
With Careful Steps

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-02-2018, 02:38 PM

He would recite the names of their siblings - a big litter, or more then one? She wasn’t sure, but she ensured the names where committed to her memory. Perhaps when she made her way over the Volcano to explore it, she would also keep an eye out for them. Hopefully they would have a hint of Ignis and Actaea’s scents on them, being siblings. She was letting her thoughts wonder again, a thoughtful expression on her face when Ace spoke again. She blinked up at him, craning her neck once more to look into the eyes of the towering beast.

“I hope you all get that chance. Speaking of the pups - I wanted to talk to you about organizing apprenticeships for the both of them.” she would explain. She had already hinted at this idea to him, but wanted to hash it out now that she had him here. “Ignis clearly wants to be a fighter, but I was thinking I could get Actaea into pack politics, negotiations, that sort of thing." she would explain, lighting up a little as she spoke about the pups and apprenticeships - this is what she had wanted for Abaven, a place for young to grow and learn.

He would ask for a history lesson in Abaven, and she curled her tail about her paws, looking past him, into the distance for a few moments as she thought. Her history wasn’t the happiness, she didn’t know the fate of most of them, and she missed them terribly. Still, she could see no reason to keep him ignorant. “There haven’t been many wolves to tell me the story [/i]” she would explain “But from what I understand, my Uncle adopted some children, and when they went missing, he left to find them. He passed the pack on to a woman named Vali, whom I had never met. I’m not sure how the pack passed on to Sparrow, but perhaps it was because she was Bass’s child - my Cousin. She passed away looking for herbs in a freak accident involving a bear.” she fell silent a moment, swallowing that reminder with a mix of frustration, sadness, anger and… regret.

“At some point in Sparrow’s reign, the Risen Empire had put their paws into Abaven and put an overseer in charge, keeping Sparrow as more of a figure head. When Sparrow died, and there wasn’t many members of the pack left. Well, he decided to dump the pack for a loss and leave. Instead, I stepped up and took it over, and have been doing my best to revive it. Which pretty much leads us here, to you and the pups joining.” she offered him another smile, a little sadder then it had been before, but still a sparkle of her bright nature in her eyes.


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