
The World Has Grown Cold



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
12-02-2018, 02:40 PM

She was comforted by her brother, his touch seeming to ground her even with how unstable her emotions were. Like Ignis she looked up to uncle, silently pleading that there was some reasonable explanation for everything. Elias couldn't up and just leave them to die could he? The anger that filled both his words and his body made her hope begin to fade. It seems that her father may have done some similar events in the past, or so she assumed. She waited for her uncle to go on as she gently leaned into Ignis showing how relieved that he was here. She wasn't normally a creature that got real affectionate to begin with, but right now he was all messed up mentally and emotionally and she was finding that him simply leaning into her gave her comfort in all this.

The words that came next made her ears flatten and she felt her body lightly shake with emotion. So this was what it was? They had been abandoned without a second thought? Her eyes looked to the dead coyotes behind her uncle and she took in the reality of the danger she had just been in. She had been abandoned and if Uncle hadn't shown up she would have been the mangy mutts dinner. Did her father even think of that before leaving her? Would Elias have even cared? She looked back to her uncle knowing that the only one she could fully trust right now was him. He had never proved himself untrustworthy and he had just saved her life. She could even say he was emotional as her, but he at least knew how to control his own emotions. Ears flicked forward as he spoke again asking her of some other within the pack.

"There has been no fresh scents of them around the den. I didn't go look through the lands because I had heard the coyotes in the distance," she replied.

It had been true. Before her tantrum she had tried to leave the den, but hearing the coyotes in the distance had made her retreat knowing the den would be the safest spot if they were around.

"Actaea Talk", & 'Actaea Think"

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them