
Bad News Bears



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-02-2018, 04:58 PM
They'd been walking for some time since their little meeting in Abaven. Valentine had filled the time with nosy questions about Shaye's training. He had decided some ways back to take a different approach to readying her for the showdown with the slavers. After all, this was going to be different than the average fight. For one, he fully expected to be outnumbered. Had he been taking his time with training Shaye he'd have started with teaching her one on one fight techniques, but as it were there wasn't time for that. He needed her ready for multiple opponents now.

It wasn't like she didn't know how to fight. She wasn't a wee pup just learning the basics. In his opinion she wasn't up to snuff, but the groundwork had been laid and there was no denying her eagerness to better herself. While he wouldn't admit it out loud, Valentine thought she was going to make a decent student.

"Hmmm..." he mused after listening to Shaye's last answer. "I think the best approach to take to preparing you for the conflict is to get you used to dealing with multiple opponents." He clicked his tongue thoughtfully. "We'll start with a hypothetical and work our way up to a real fight."

"No doubt you know not to let your guard down in a fight, but it can be very hard to remain aware of what's happening around you when you're faced with someone who wants to eat your face. Try to remember this, though, when we're in the slaver's camp: they'll seize any chance to kill you. They're not going to fight fair," Not that he was an advocate for fighting fair, because he wasn't, "They're going to rush you from all sides if they can. They'll sneak in behind you, circle you and take turns taking pieces off of you until you're just a little bloody nub on the ground."

"So let this be your first lesson: don't let anyone get behind you. Don't let your focus narrow down to the opponent in front of you; be aware of your surroundings at all times."

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.