
Never gonna be alone


07-10-2013, 02:02 PM

She was oblivious to the changing world around her. She didn't know how out of control things had gotten, how the pack she unknowingly called home had lost their alpha. She was ignorant. Blissfully so. She didn't have a care or worry in the world, her days made up of playing and eating and sleeping. At least for now. As she grows older she'll become more aware, more observant, following in her fathers paw steps.

A familiar voice sent her jumping to her paws, tail wagging. Wide eyes settled on her fathers figure. "Daddy!" She was overjoyed to see him. She showered his muzzle with kissed when he leaned down, her entire body vibrating. He dwarfed the ever growing puppy. Her markings started to become more defined, the white stripe that went from her nose to the base of her skull. Pools of blue and green, a mixture of her mothers and fathers, but she got more than just their looks. An unknown power flowed in her veins, driving her to greatness, straight to the top.

But for now innocence surrounded her, even with her fathers blunt words. Something could eat you. A brief frown colored her dark features, she remained unfazed. She liked be out and about, she just didn't like being lost, and alone. She allowed it to sink, tiny mind processing, though not tot he fullest extent. Frown was almost immediatly replaced with a grin as she tipped her face upward to look at her father.

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