
Sinking Into Sweet Uncertainty



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
12-02-2018, 06:06 PM
They moved inward, trailing along with the edge of the gorge on one side and the forest beginning to get denser on the other. Before the crispness of the air had been a bit strange, but the more days that went by the more Ig was becoming accustomed to the new weather and elevation. The north was different, but he really liked it. Someday he was sure it would feel like home.

"Ideally dens in the Gorge should probably be closer to the forest here, in case there are things going on in the Red Forest. I have a few ideas for things I'd like to have in the Gorge, they'll be more towards the western side if that helps. Really all that matters is being able to make it to meetings in a timely manner, I'll pick a regular meeting spot soon enough." He had to consider her next question for a moment. It was possible that others had peeked at the herbs, but really he couldn't say for certain. "I did investigate a bit myself but I'm not sure about anyone else. Sephira probably won't have and, well, I'm not sure anyone else has expressed an interest in healing. I can get back to you on some thing I think we might need though if it'll be helpful," he suggested. Ig was no healer but he'd been taught the basics growing up. Honestly he would prefer to make sure everyone in the pack had at least that much knowledge. No one in his pack should be risking infections if they got hurt away from home with no knowledge of how to help themselves and no healer at their side to do it for them.

After a bit he found a good outcropping that looked over the Gorge, a few feet away from one of the barely established paths down. Looking out over it was… breathtaking, and it made him glad that he'd picked this land for his fledgling pack.

"So far there aren't many. Me, my sister Sephira who is acting as Jarl to help me out. There's a girl named Lyrae, a yearling with a pelt like the heavens and a fondness for navigation. She might be in and out a bit. We also have a woman named Persephone. She's a fighter. I'm sure there will be more but for now that's it." He glanced back to Drífa before asking, "Was there more you want to know, or would you prefer to begin doing other things for right now?"