
Ninjas, anyone?



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ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
12-02-2018, 07:28 PM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2018, 03:46 PM by Nyx.)
Name: Desota
Age: 1 Year
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral good
Design: click
Description: Sota wasn't lucky enough to inherit the fully dark complexion that is seen as favorable among the Songa. Most of his coat is a murky off-white, though luckily it isn't vivid enough to draw too much attention when he's hidden in the treetops. Most of his lower half is a muted deep purple-grey, covering his belly and paws, as well as his tail and chest. Trailing up the upper portion of his limbs are stripes, similar to the stripes of an okapi. The same dark purple adorns his coat in other spots, visible along his side in stray flecks, as well as marking his middle back in a semi-circle. The most defining feature of Sota is the tribal markings that adorn his face, breaking apart the dark purple mask with sharp lines that extend from beneath his eyes, and trail straight down to his snout.

Despite his less-than-ideal coloration, all of Sota's other qualities are ideal as far as the Songa is concerned. His height is a modest 21" inches, and overall he is quite light and nimble-footed. He's more graceful than he realizes, moving fluidly through the treetops, and only fumbling when he starts to doubt himself

Personality: Unlike most of the Songa, Desota's main goal in life isn't to achieve fame and fortune. Actually, those things hardly matter to him at all, though he's acutely aware that they really should. He is far more concerned with helping those around him, and ensuring those closest to him succeed. He derives great pleasure out of helping those around him, in any manner he can find. He's quite the selfless creature, the sort to go out of his way to leave gifts near sleeping friends - never staying to see their reaction, of course, because such a thing would be beyond rude. Likewise, he's extremely respectful of those he meets, especially of fellow Songa. Treating fellow Songa with dignity is of utmost importance to him, and thus he tends to be overly cautious when greeting unfamiliar wolves.

Partly due to his humbleness, and also partly due to the fact that he's generally oblivious, Sota is generally oblivious of his own natural abilities. He doesn't think very highly of himself, and any attention - particularly from the ladies - tends to confuse him and make him nervous. In general he tends to focus his attention outward, on those around him, rather than inward.

Relationship to Balsam: They'd been friends since they were pups. Sota took a quick liking to the much bolder Balsam, and likewise Sota made a good partner in crime, as he was always easily coerced into doing whatever Balsam wished. Somehow, even as they grew into their respective personalities, they maintained their close friendship, and even now Sota will follow Balsam to the ends of the earth if necessary. Of course, their relationship isn't totally one-sided - Sota tends to be the voice of reason when things are getting out of hand, and likewise Balsam constantly pushes Sota outside of his comfort zone.
History: Sota lived a rather unremarkable life among the Songa, coming from a small, lesser-known family. He never considered leaving his family until he caught wind of Balsam heading somewhere new, and with that he very tentatively followed him, convinced that if anyone could keep Balsam out of horrible trouble that it would be him.
Plans: No real plans! I'd like him to follow Balsam around, maybe get some confusing attention from girls, and overall fumble around awkwardly and deal with all of his internal struggles!