
Vespers of Summer



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Critical Fail!Valentines 2020
12-02-2018, 08:17 PM
Aurielle Adravendi

Her ears perked curiously at his mention of his origins, and she had to wonder what the wolves he had grown up with had managed to build themselves. Did he have any ideas he might have brought with him to Boreas? “I find building things fascinating. It’s easier when one has number handed primates for companions. My cousin has two friends that help him with mixing salves and various healing practices he would never be able to manage alone… it’s greatly helped, especially with a fire in one of our caves.”

Not to mention that once the colder months settled in, the fire would come in highly useful for keeping one’s toes thawed between patrols and small hunts. She hadn’t been able to share it with her father much last year, once he left to rescue her mother and Aramis.

The smile faltered ever so slightly before her new acquaintance brought her mind back from wandering into that particular dark, forest path, and she smiled ruefully. “Oh, my appearance comes with its own downsides. I must be careful with these—I’m not certain if they’ll break if I bite down wrong, and practicing fighting is difficult because they could damage my partner if I don’t place a bite just right. Useful in a real fight, though.”

Not to mention the odd looks, even from family meeting her the first time, but those she understood and ignored. Her eyes slid over the pulsing light in his coat and her head cocked slightly as she suggested, “I imagine that light makes it easier to traverse in the night, or in pitch black caves like these. Plus, curious prey might be drawn in…”

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

[Image: bkRAV4d.png]

At first glance, Aurielle's coat is pure white.. Her fur has an iridescent quality (like moonstones) where the fur shimmers different colors under various angles of light: in this case, the colors shown by rainbow moonstones. Not one hair on her hide is a solid unnatural color, but, ya know, it's really hard to convey that in still art :P
Aurielle's English is heavily laden with an Irish, Swedish mixed accent.
Her family is allowed to crash all her threads, Private and Open.
As of Autumn Year 14, Aurielle glows with a bright blue-white bio-luminescence in her fur, and bears a marking over her left eye - see profile and reference.