
Bad News Bears

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-03-2018, 03:56 PM

She followed Valentine for a ways, feeling annoyance stirring in her breast. He had decided her training field in Abaven hadn’t been good enough, and she had followed him without a word. Since then, they had been walking.. And walking, and she wondered what on earth the older male was looking for.

He pestered her with questions as they walked, but they all related to fighting, so she obliged him and answered as best she could. She was glad that Rhyme had given her some pointers before all this, it meant things where fresh in her mind and she had at least a little bit of experience to draw from.

He would now share some information with her, telling her that he wanted her to have experience fighting multiple opponents. Her ears raised in curiosity as she listened to him. It made sense since they weren’t going over there to politely ask them to fight one on one. It would be a battle, with opponents and allies around her. It was going to be messy.

“Sounds delightful.” she would add dryly as he spoke about her being a bloody little nub on the ground. Still, she wanted to hear what he had to say, and her head was tilted towards him, ears perked, as he spoke. He definitely described a messy scene, and people fighting without any rules. It left her feeling trepidation and… maybe not excitement, but there was definitely something warming her blood, eager to test herself in the real life scene he was describing.

“Understood.” she said when he told her what her first lesson was, she glanced over at Rhyme, half expecting that he had been giving orders earlier to sneak up on her, and she wanted to keep everyone in her line of sight. She already knew that Valentine fought dirty, it wasn’t a difficult guess.

"Talk" "You" Think


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