
Your daily debriefing

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-03-2018, 04:08 PM

She sat, and looked over at the dark coated male. She thought about how hard he had been working to keep up with alliances, recruitment, and general pack activities. He was a good man, loyal, with a heart of gold, even if sometimes he liked to pretend he didn’t have the patience for the weaker members of the pack. She still caught him looking out for them. She hid a grin at the thought, knowing that whatever RHyme had to say was important.

Indeed, he opened with the mention of Spider, and a conversation the two of them had had. Her ears perked in curiosity. Despite her patience with the man, she had not been able to get him to open up about his past. “Very little.” she admitted, then fell silent again as he continued. He started about a sickly sister, children, an abortion, and death.

Shaye stood silent a moment, processing all of this. She didn’t come from a family that believed in abortion, if she did, her mother would have done so to Shaye when she realised she was pregnant. She shook aside that thought, considering Spider’s situation. Her second said that the sister was sickly, to the point where she wouldn’t have survived the pregnancy. Sounded like a no win scenario, where Spider’s interference made it more his fault then the fault of nature it would have been. “Was her death caused by incorrect dosage/herbs, or simply because of her already weakened state?” Shaye asked at last, no indication of what she thought of this on her face. Not yet, at least. She was still processing it, warring between the sick feeling the idea gave her… and her pity for Spider.

A part of her wanted to keep him far, far away from her tiny, innocent, and engaged sister. To snatch Vail and run. It also reminded her that Vail had been sickly as a child, that she was a small wolf, and Shaye often considered her delicate even when Vail proved her mettle. The idea of Vail dying in childbirth was making her sick. She lowered her head, breathing softly, trying to compartmentalise this and not mix up her emotions where they didn’t belong.

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