
Lips Of An Angel



07-10-2013, 02:35 PM


There was a soft click of bones as the hunter's skull connected with Orica's muzzle. She stumbled back. Her paws scrambled a bit more than she meant and when she stilled them, now a few feet away from the male's head, she stood there, completely still. It wasn't the pain; she'd taken worse bumps than that in her romps with her 'brothers'. what caused the shock in her wide blue eyes were the words. 'I killed them.' Her white breast and risen and fallen many times before she finally murmured out, "Oh... You're one of those wolves." He was the sort that she'd been warned about; Told to hate and stay away from, and perhaps kill - if she had been born with a turn for warfare like most of her 'siblings'. He certainly wasn't the kind of wolf she was supposed to ever help. But too late for that. She already had. Orica stared at him for a moment longer, swallowing hard, trying to make sense of the words. The male hadn't been nice or anything, but he didn't feel evil. Were evil wolves really like that? That is - like everyone else? Whatever she had expected when she first came into contact with a wolf of villainous deeds, it hadn't been this. He was just a wolf the same as her or anyone else. He'd been hurt, and she'd helped him, and for a moment there she'd been so proud and happy to do so.

Now, for the first time it was Orica's turn to look away. She stared off at the other willows without really seeing them. Her little forehead wrinkled with a frown. Her eyes narrowed into sapphire slits and the corners of her muzzle turned down. He'd killed healers... That made him the same as the wolf who'd killed Asheni, one of Glaciem's founding members, their sweetest healer, and Orica's own 'aunt'. She'd been there in the cave when her father had announced that the healer had been slaughtered. Uncle Cifer went missing for weeks looking for the killer, and Gargoyle still went out on hunts searching for the trace scent. It was something that had left a terrible impression on the young girl's mind. And now she'd helped someone who was just as bad as that rogue.

Orica swallowed past a lump that she hadn't realized was growing in her throat. Those poor wolves... Why would anyone-?

Orica pivoted her head back round to the male, her eyes flashing open. "Why?" she snapped. Instead of running, the girl was on her paws, standing and staring the male down, with hurt and anger fighting for supremacy in her gaze. "Why would you do such a thing?" Why would anyone do such a thing. She had to know. If she was going to live with this on her conscious then she would have herself learn something from it. Orica was a pup still and she could be naive and pleasant-minded, but she wasn't stupid. Her head wasn't stuck in the clouds, she was seeing things clearly now. But she wasn't afraid either. For one thing, she knew that with him having woudns like that, and with her just discovering her ability to run, she could outstrip the male no problem, no matter how evil he might be. And for another - well there were too many other feelings competing inside her to make room for something like fear.
