
Fold It


12-03-2018, 08:53 PM

Cyrus Rook

So enthralled with the growing commotion above, Cyrus was startled by the feminine voice that bade him good morning. His frame jumped slightly, leg muscles going rigid as his natural response began to well up within him. Bright eyes flitted about the area for a brief moment before he caught sight of the dark woman. Her coat seemed to blend with the early morning shadows, and it was the markings on her face that caught his eyes first. As he registered her more clearly, he began to relax. Perhaps this was another purveyor of early dawn?

"Oh - mornin', miss." His voice was a bit rough, as it he hadn't used it much in the last day or two. He took a moment to clear his throat, chin dropping down and away as he did so, to not seem rude. There was a twang present in his tones, though it may not have been immediately evident in his hushed tones. He was never found of speaking loudly before the sun made an appearance; old wives tale, probably. "I didn't see ya there. Out to enjoy the day afore it gets started?" A warm, genuine smile quickly found its home on his dark lips as the tip of his tail twitched out of habit. He assumed that she, too, was a wanderer of the darker hours, slept during high noon, and actually enjoyed it.

"Rightly chilled it is, but I can't help but love it. Winter, though - that's another story all together." His grin widened as he spoke, seemingly unable to guess the stranger cared naught for what he thought of the impending season change.

The Rolling Stone

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