
All I need is a little Thyme



4 Years
Extra small
12-03-2018, 10:24 PM

He said he would listen and offered both Shaye and Vail's time but she wasn't certain she wanted everyone to know just yet. But she did know she wanted to try to shared everything. The question was how was she supposed to start such a thing? How did she tell himhow much she had suffered? She guessed it best to start at the beginning.

She drew in a breath and turned her face back to the water. How could she sour his day though? She was slowly learning that hers wasn't how a life should have been lead. She supposed she would have to start with the story as best she remembered it. She was lost in the past as she began to tell it, her stutter leaving her slowly after she started. "I-I w-was b-born t-to a s-slave n-named Demetra. M-my mother w-was one of t-the most k-kind women I can remember. M-my time with h-her was short though. I was sold once i was weaned to Sintaro the beta of my home pack, for a caribou hide. Apostle was to be my master, for two whole years. He was harsh and strict, any little slip up and i usually recieved a beating. I remember having my ribs broken when i was but barely a season old, for accidentally running into Apostle's mate, Hera. I had been playing with another slave. He killed the other and threatened that if i ever played agan I would meet the same fate." She gave a pause. She held her ears back as she listened to more than just the water, she was listening to Rhyme's breathing. But if one knew her they'd see it, she wasn't truly in the present, she was trapped in the past where she recieved such threats and beatings regularly.

"It was always like that. He was always looking for reasons to discipline me. He took my ears when i was a year old and my dewclaws, as a offering to his gods. He and Hera had tried for many seasons to concieve but she never seemed able to carry a litter to term. Her healers were always using herbs on her to comfort her and to aid them, but it was never able to help. It was after almost two seasons that Sintaro had started to notice me. I had thought it was love, he didn't beat me as much and even took one of my beatings for me when i had loked at Hera with pity after she had another miscarriage, the fetus of which I was ordered to get rid of." She stopped for a minute now to try to find herself again. She knew this story ended in a horrible event, and wasn't sure where Rhyme stood at the moment. So he stopped for the time to listen to his breathing and see if he was going to say anything. She needed him to know the whole story though if she was going to tell him about her two young children that had been taken too young.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.